What can I expect now?
1. Look for the NBP Newsletter. It’s the movements organ of communication and training each week. Read the current one below!
2. Tell your friends about this new network, The NBP Global Network for the Young. Please help us to spread the word through every social media outlet available to you. Become a recruiter for the movement’s alliance. The more we have, the quicker we could fulfill the Great Commission for adolescence. Send your friends to www.neverbefore.tv
3. Reach out to your local Lethal Faith State or District director. Here, you can find your local director.
4. Involve and recruit your students in the International Youth Group, designed to make your local church, organizations youth outreach stronger, never to replace the local church.
Coming in 2021
First, we hope you are coming into our network family through a viable relationship with someone who is already part of the movement. If not, welcome! But please take some time to call the NBP office so we can get to know you better and learn more about you.
Second, networking is essential to us; therefore, we ask that you submit your (Youth group, Church, or Ministry, etc.) logo to the NBP International office to tell the world about our synergizing for the Great Commission. The more we synergize, the more we can mobilize! It's not about egos or logos; it's about a global partnership to fulfill the great commission amongst adolescents.
Third, fill out the form below and submit by clicking 'send.' This registers you into our global movement.
Lastly, we want to invite you to apply to become part of our leadership family. We are diligently looking for the district, state, country, regional, and continent team leaders in The Never Before Project organization.​​
You can join us as a pastor, youth pastor, elder, volunteer, or Sunday school teacher. You can also be a student or parent to join the movement.