1. The Never Before E-Zine
"A strategic Movement in Adolescent, Family and Local Church Renewal."
We realize at The Never Before Project that every week you are in the trenches of life, culture, and ministry. It takes a unique person to contextualize the gospel in ways that the masses can understand and respond. What is already often difficult is becoming even more problematic when we realize that we are trying to build and renew the Body of Christ, our children, families, and local churches in a different world than what we had all previously known. To speak, biblically, we now find ourselves trying to live out our Christian faith in a culture where the spirit of Babylon is prevailing As the King David once said, in Psalms 137:4, "How shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?" The Never Before Magazine is an electronic piece of literature that is sent to thousands of grassroots workers. Every week, you will receive a Strategic Brief, as well as a monthly full-color electronic magazine. Both of these pieces will serve you with strategic information about social change, movement development, keeping our children in their faith system and how to renew or plant culturally relevant churches that impact the culture. The end results, we hope, will be changed lives.
2. The Never Before Project Bookstore
Every movement maker knows that real scientific social change started with Movement Intellectuals who think differently than the status quo. Therefore, true change often begins and is rooted in what you are reading and who challenges your thoughts. This sounds easy, but it is anything but easy to find the right information that will help you gain the knowledge you desperately need. We firmly believe that the Body of Christ can renew itself if it gets back to what made it great in the first place - passionately loving God with all of your mind. So, are you ready to truly change your world? We are here to serve you in doing just that!
To start with, here's some good news! We know how busy you are each week because all of us are in full-time ministry here at TNBP as well.
We work each week in the trenches of a large, growing local church.
The Never Before Bookstore does the hard work for you in certain ways.
We organize our books strategically for you​
We find the information that you probably will never find in the bookstore or have the time to search all of the 13032 results at Amazon. Our prices are set by Amazon prices but our service is unique.​​
We read our own books.​
We uniquely help you find the knowledge you need.
There is one more thing. Unlike other book publishers and sellers, where profits go to organizations that support values contrary to yours, we tithe 10% off of our book profits to a local church plant or a local church renewal project. Your purchase at The Never Before Bookstore changes two lives: yours and another church planter or renewal pastor. Start loving God with all of your mind today!
3. The Never Before Publishing Company
To truly love God with all of our minds, will require reading. This is exactly the reasons that early Pilgrims placed a huge emphasis on reading among their families. The average child of a pilgrim could read and write by the time they were six. They reasoned that if a child could not read or write, they could never understand God's word and thus be unable to love him with all of their mind. Therefore, reading and reading well is crucial to establishing successful Christianity on the earth. At The Never Before Publishing Company, we are not looking for books that put your mind to sleep. The church is already in a reading coma. We are looking for books and writers, who wake up our thinking with creative processes, solid answers to complex problems, and challenging reads that not only challenge the status quo, but include strategic invites. Our publishing arm serves selective self-publishers as well. So, in many ways, we are looking for books that have never been written before! We are a publishing company dedicated to finding new, fresh resources for youth pastors, leaders of youth organizations, and those that work in any of the adolescent sciences (drug abuse, case workers, etc.)!
What book or product do you have a dream of developing? We can help you produce the time or publish your book. Make history by speaking to the culture in unique ways for the advancement of Christianity.
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