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We are currently booking for Summer 2021!
If you're interested in booking Dr. Knight, please see the information below!
Seminars/Training Events:
There are untold thousands of leaders in the Body of Christ who desire heart-felt change that brings about an awakening. Sadly, most think that change, renewal and awakenings are mostly mystical. They fail to see that the same God that laid out the dimensions of the Earth also laid out laws for human relationships. These trainings build a collective identity, a crucial step in movement making. Here are a few we are ready to teach:
1. The Scientific Knowledge of Movement Making
2. Revivals Awakenings and Reform
3. Renewal and Social Change: How to Renew Your Organization
4. The Role of Humility is Great Leadership
5. Church Planting 101: The First Five Years
6. The History, and Laws of Church Growth
7. The Laws and Precepts for the Renewing of Stagnant or Older Churches
8. The Spiritual Power of An American Democracy - How to Renew America
9. The Seven Foundation Pillars of Western Civilization and How They Can
Influence Your Strategy as a Movement
10. Lethal Faith (11 Sub Categories)
11. Strategic Faith