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We realize that you live in an electronic world and that this world of technology

often serves as the delivery system for movements all over the world. It’s because of

this powerful medium that we have chosen to invest heavily in the assimilation of

the message of movement making and social change in Christianity via the conduit

of social media. If its true that we really do perish because of lack of knowledge than

obtaining the right knowledge that helps us to fulfill the call on our lives is

imperative. Therefore we strategically communicate currently in six ways:


1. The Never Before Project Strategic Brief:

Today’s leader must remain fluid in a fast paced world. What we think we know

today is often found to be longer true tomorrow. While God’s Word and his precepts

are unchanging, the way in which we speak, train, create and spread it certainly is

changing. Therefore, the latest science and information, regarding social change and

movement making within Christianity must come to you fast, accurate and

knowledgeable. This quick read contains current trends, facts, information to help

you lead change and renewal.


2. Resurgence:

Our monthly electronic magazine comes directly into your inbox. It can also be

found on our website, here. We are talking about twelve issues,

completely free, to empower you to lead change in the Body of Christ. We do the

research for you and then convey to you powerful principles to lead your

movements! It's a gift to people who really believe that can change the world. At

TNBP we really do too!


3. Podcast:

We message information at the speed of sound. Podcast listeners have grown since

2006 by 163%. At TNBP we will provide podcast weekly, and monthly to Christian

Movement and Social Change Agents, and Youth and Children Leadership.



4. Online Video Training and Conferences:

We host roundtables via the internet with preregistration as well as training and

conferences online. There is a small cost to ensure the serious devotion of our

attendees. The online roundtables are limited to small groups to ensure deep

community and networking.

We regularly place training videos on needed subject of interests to movement

makers and social changers within the Body of Christ.


5. Television and Radio:

The Never Before Project is currently working on a new project that will debut on

television and radio by 2020. We partner in this endeavor with our home based

local church, Covenant Community in Madisonville, Kentucky. These new programs

will be apologetically driven to the un-churched.


6. The Never Before Project: YouTube Channel:

As we record video driven podcast focused on social change and movement making

within the Body of Christ we will place them in a Never Before Project YouTube

channel. This channel will be designed with leadership in mind. Please click here if you'd like to check out this resource!

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