​1. The Global Coaching Network, we have dozens of certified and clearly
qualified people to coach you. It will take Great Leaders to fulfill the Great Commission. To fulfill the Great Commission with the young will take Great Leaders of The Young. Global training, the right kind of training, is a must.
The Global Coaching Network exists to train your leaders weekly, or monthly in person
via the worldwide web. We coach youth pastors, volunteer youth leaders, and
adolescent professionals. Take a look at our catalog and pick out the subject you are
wanting to explore more deeply. Take a look at our video and our promotional material.
Feel free, with no pressure to call our office and ask any questions. It is a scientific fact
that coaching causes great growth and increases the likelihood of your future success.
2. Executive Leadership. We train leaders who train leaders who train leaders.
We have over thirty four years in leadership training experience.
It will take Great Leaders to Fulfill the Great Commission. Therefore, empowering leaders of the young must be a primary goal of The Never Before Project. We offer seminars,
conventions, local church training on multiple subjects related to training and reaching
children and adolescents.
3. The Adolescent Global Leadership Forum (AGLF). Today over 43%
of the worlds population is under 24 years of age. There are over 40 nations
whose average age is 24.3. Many times these age disparities are due to
previously genocide, civil unrest from social economic and natural disasters
leaving entire nations with young inexperienced leadership to rebuild not
only cultures but their nations as well. AGLF was created with the latest
scientific research on specifically training younger leadership.
AGLF not only trains young leaders in Myanmar and in Iran but in America. We can host
a special conference for only your sharpest most dedicated youth. We can do it for one
to three days. Give us a call and lets train the young to fulfill the Great Commission by
training them to be Great Young Leaders.